POST v2/members/fbcreate
create an account for the user, and send member join rquest to the network specified by network id, and associate the user with his facebook account through access token; the member does NOT need to activate their account in this case since facebook has validated their email, and the network admin may need to approve their join request if their network is set to be private
Request Information
Name | Description | Additional information |
userInfo | an object collect all necessary information to create a account, network_id can be null if the user doesn't choose a network. |
Define this parameter in the request body. |
Request body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "non_binary": true, "accesstoken": "sample string 1", "user_network_email": "sample string 2", "first_name": "sample string 3", "last_name": "sample string 4", "email": "sample string 5", "password": "sample string 6", "gender": "sample string 7", "year_in_school": "sample string 8", "grad_year": "sample string 9", "dob": "sample string 10", "network_id": "sample string 11", "answers": [ { "id": 1, "answer": "sample string 2" }, { "id": 1, "answer": "sample string 2" }, { "id": 1, "answer": "sample string 2" } ], "as_join_request": true, "request_message": "sample string 13", "activate_url": "sample string 14", "email_type": 0 }
application/xml, text/xml
<FBCreateAccountDtoV2 xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <activate_url>sample string 14</activate_url> <answers xmlns:d2p1=""> <d2p1:QuestionAnswerDto> <d2p1:answer>sample string 2</d2p1:answer> <d2p1:id>1</d2p1:id> </d2p1:QuestionAnswerDto> <d2p1:QuestionAnswerDto> <d2p1:answer>sample string 2</d2p1:answer> <d2p1:id>1</d2p1:id> </d2p1:QuestionAnswerDto> <d2p1:QuestionAnswerDto> <d2p1:answer>sample string 2</d2p1:answer> <d2p1:id>1</d2p1:id> </d2p1:QuestionAnswerDto> </answers> <as_join_request>true</as_join_request> <dob>sample string 10</dob> <email>sample string 5</email> <email_type>RECIT</email_type> <first_name>sample string 3</first_name> <gender>sample string 7</gender> <grad_year>sample string 9</grad_year> <last_name>sample string 4</last_name> <network_id>sample string 11</network_id> <non_binary>true</non_binary> <password>sample string 6</password> <request_message>sample string 13</request_message> <year_in_school>sample string 8</year_in_school> <accesstoken>sample string 1</accesstoken> <user_network_email>sample string 2</user_network_email> </FBCreateAccountDtoV2>
Sample not available.
Response Information
Response body formats
application/json, text/json
{ "authorization": { "access_token": "sample string 1", "refresh_token": "sample string 2" }, "need_complete_registration": true, "email": "sample string 1", "dob": "sample string 2", "gender": "sample string 3", "network": { "id": "sample string 1", "name": "sample string 2" }, "year_in_school": "sample string 4", "grad_year": "sample string 5", "active": true, "facebook_id": "sample string 7", "answers": [ { "id": 1, "answer": "sample string 2" }, { "id": 1, "answer": "sample string 2" }, { "id": 1, "answer": "sample string 2" } ], "id": "sample string 8", "first_name": "sample string 9", "last_name": "sample string 10", "avatar_url": "sample string 11" }
application/xml, text/xml
<AuthenticatedMemberDto xmlns:i="" xmlns=""> <avatar_url>sample string 11</avatar_url> <first_name>sample string 9</first_name> <id>sample string 8</id> <last_name>sample string 10</last_name> <active>true</active> <answers> <QuestionAnswerDto> <answer>sample string 2</answer> <id>1</id> </QuestionAnswerDto> <QuestionAnswerDto> <answer>sample string 2</answer> <id>1</id> </QuestionAnswerDto> <QuestionAnswerDto> <answer>sample string 2</answer> <id>1</id> </QuestionAnswerDto> </answers> <dob>sample string 2</dob> <email>sample string 1</email> <facebook_id>sample string 7</facebook_id> <gender>sample string 3</gender> <grad_year>sample string 5</grad_year> <network> <id>sample string 1</id> <name>sample string 2</name> </network> <year_in_school>sample string 4</year_in_school> <authorization> <access_token>sample string 1</access_token> <refresh_token>sample string 2</refresh_token> </authorization> <need_complete_registration>true</need_complete_registration> </AuthenticatedMemberDto>